How to Break an Evil CurseChronicles of Fritillary, Book 1By Laura Morrison Princess Julianna may be cursed to dwell in darkness, but she’s no damsel in distress. “A fractured fairy tale, this novel is fun and modern… Morrison punctuates her prose with charm and humor, sustaining a familiar and rhythmic style accompanied by world-enriching asides. Despite its lighthearted tone, the book …
Wistful Musings from a Crow’s Nest
Wistful Musings From a Crow’s NestPoems from FritillaryBy Laura Morrison A special collection of poems from Fritillary. One of the characters in the Chronicles of Fritillary series by Laura Morrison, Corrine, is a poet who lives on a pirate ship. Between enduring battles on the high seas, going on dates with pirates, having spells of deep contemplation when boredom sets …