DAN ELISHDan Elish is the author of nine novels, including The School for the Insanely Gifted, The Worldwide Dessert Contest, and Born Too Short: Confessions of an 8th Grade Basket Case (Simon & Schuster), which was named a New York Public Library “Book for the Teenage” and a “Young Adult Choice for the International Reading Association.” Dan co-wrote the book …
Sam Davis
SAM DAVISSam Davis is an author, community volunteer, and former teacher. Born in Georgia, Sam went to high school in Big Sky country Montana and returned to the South to graduate summa cum laude from Auburn University in Elementary Education with a focus on Spanish language studies. Sam studied at the Centro Bilingue in Cuernavaca, Mexico and taught at Disney’s …
Michael James Canales
MICHAEL JAMES CANALES Michael J. Canales spent the last twenty years working in various media which includes Top 50 US magazines, major film studios, and several publishing companies. Michael has been a cyber-bodyguard/technical advisor to an ex-Surgeon General, busted hackers for chat/messaging software innovators in the early days of the internet, and created online community policy that is in use …
Christine Brae
CHRISTINE BRAEAward-winning author Christine Brae (pen name for Anna Gomez) was born in the city of Makati, Philippines and educated abroad before moving to Chicago. She is Global Chief Financial Officer for Mischief at No Fixed Address, a consolidated group of advertising agencies. Gomez was recently selected for the 2020 HERoes Women Role Model Executives list, which celebrates 100 women …
Jonas Saul
JONAS SAULJonas Saul has sold over 2 million books. On multiple occasions, he has outranked Stephen King and Dean Koontz on the Amazon Most Popular Top 100 Authors list. He has traveled extensively throughout the world to scout settings for his thrillers, spending several years between Greece, Italy, Denmark, and Hungary. Jonas is regularly invited to speak at national writing …
Lucas Astor
LUCAS ASTORLucas Astor is from New York, has resided in Central America and the Middle East, and traveled through Europe. He lives a very private lifestyle, preferring to spend time with a close-knit group of friends than be in the spotlight. He is an author and poet with a penchant for telling stories that delve into the dark side of …