MARY TINGMary Ting is an international bestselling, award-winning author. Her books span a wide range of genres, and her storytelling talents have earned a devoted legion of fans, as well as garnered critical praise. Becoming an author happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she had in …
Sam Shearon
SAM SHEARONSam Shearon, also known as ‘Mister-Sam’ is a dark artist born in Liverpool, England. Specializing in horror, science-fiction, and dark fantasy, Sam’s work often includes elements inspired by vintage tales of monsters and madmen, dark futures, post-apocalyptic genres, and classic literature. His artwork can be found in a variety of works through IDW Publishing, including cover illustrations for the …
Julieanne Lynch
JULIEANNE LYNCHJulieanne Lynch is an author of both YA and Adult novels. Julieanne was born in Northern Ireland, but spent much of her early life in London, United Kingdom, until her family relocated back to their roots. Julieanne lives in Belfast where she is a full-time author. She studied English Literature and Creative Writing at The Open University and once …
Eugene Lee
EUGENE LEEEugene T. Lee, Esq. is a certified NFL agent and president of MBK Sports Management Group, LLC. When Academy Award nominee Morgan Spurlock was hired to direct an ESPN documentary (“The Dotted Line”) on the inside world of sports agents, he chose Lee as the NFL agent to be featured. Lee is making a name for himself as a …
Stu Jones
STU JONESA veteran law enforcement officer, Stu has worked as a beat cop, an investigator, an instructor of firearms and police defensive tactics and as a member and team leader of a multi-jurisdictional SWAT team. He is trained and qualified as a law enforcement SWAT sniper, as well as in hostage rescue and high-risk entry tactics. Most recently, Stu served …
Elizabeth Isaacs
ELIZABETH ISAACSElizabeth Isaacs is an author and teacher who began her career as a national presenter for Resource Profiles, where she developed teacher seminars designed to foster creative brain stimulation. Moving into formal education, she helped at-risk students improve their writing skills as well as created and implemented a creative writing/blogging program that centered on teaching the 21st-century learner. Works …
Thommy Hutson
THOMMY HUTSONThommy Hutson is an award-winning screenwriter, producer, director, and author who is considered the foremost authority on A Nightmare on Elm Street. A graduate of UCLA, Thommy wrote and produced critically acclaimed genre projects such as Scream: The Inside Story (BIO CHANNEL), Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (BIO CHANNEL), More Brains! A Return of the Living Dead …
Stacy Green
STACY GREENStacy Green is the USA Today bestselling author of the Nikki Hunt series and other psychological thrillers and mysteries. Known for her love of serial killer lore and twisted crime stories, Stacy’s award-winning gritty novels and true crime nonfiction pieces have established her as a crime fiction expert. She has sold over half-million books.
Liana Gardner
LIANA GARDNERLiana Gardner is a Bram Stoker Awards® Nominee and the multi-award-winning author of Speak No Evil, 7th Grade Revolution, The Journal of Angela Ashby, and the Katie McCabe Series. The daughter of a rocket scientist and an artist, Liana combines the traits of both into a quirky yet pragmatic writer and in everything sees the story lurking beneath the …
Anna M. Elias
Anna M. EliasAfter earning a Production Degree from the University of Florida, Anna started her career as Don Johnson’s assistant on Miami Vice. She later worked as a Location Manager and/or Asst. Manager on the TV series In the Heat of the Night and such feature films as Sommersby (Richard Gere, Jodie Foster), Nell (Jodie Foster, Liam Neeson), The Rainmaker …