CASSONDRA WINDWALKERCassondra Windwalker is a poet and novelist writing full time from the coast of the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. She is supported by a tolerant husband, three wandering offspring, a useless dog, and a zombie cat. Her hobbies include hiking, photography, and having other people’s demons over for
DALENA STORMDalena Storm has lived in India, Japan, Germany, and on both coasts of the United States. She currently resides in a converted general store in the woods of Western Massachusetts with a rare Burmese temple cat, a purring black fluff-beast, a professor of magic, and an infant with an astonishing ability to resist
ALCY LEYVAAlcy Leyva is a Bronx-born multi-genre writer who greatly enjoys being an English teacher and working as a part-time pancake engineer. His short stories and poetry explore human connection, language, and finding meaning in life. His satire explores how none of the previously mentioned items actually matter. His heart and soul live in New York which inspires him to …
SAM HOOKERSam Hooker writes darkly humorous fantasy novels about things like tyrannical despots and the masked scoundrels who tickle them without mercy. He knows all the best swear words, though he refuses to repeat them because he doesn’t want to attract
Monique Snyman
MONIQUE SNYMANMonique Snyman is an editor and the author of Bram Stoker Award® nominated novels, THE NIGHT WEAVER and THE BONE CARVER, as well as the South African occult crime/horror series, DARK COUNTRY. Monique was born in Pretoria, South Africa and grew up on the western edge of the city during the post-Apartheid Era when the ideological dreams of a …
Jim Potts
JIM POTTSJim Potts, JD is a lawyer and author with a B.A. and Juris Doctorate Degree. He is a former Reserve Captain, a P.O.S.T. Certified Terrorist Investigator, a member of the Open Source Intelligence Team, and was with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for twenty years, achieving the rank of Captain. Potts is a certified Mediator through the Los …
Serita Stevens
SERITA STEVENSSerita Stevens is an award-winning writer of over forty books, stories, and scripts. She is also a psychiatric nurse trained in forensics who actively works as an expert witness. After receiving her master’s in writing from Antioch University in London, England, she went on to become well known in romance and mystery genres. Her first published book, This Bitter …
Gareth Worthington
GARETH WORTHINGTONGareth Worthington holds a degree in marine biology, a PhD in Endocrinology, an executive MBA, is Board Certified in Medical Affairs, and currently works for the Pharmaceutical industry educating the World’s doctors on new cancer therapies. Gareth is an authority in ancient history, has hand-tagged sharks in California, and trained in various martial arts, including Jeet Kune Do and …
Dale Wiley
DALE WILEYDale Wiley has had a character named after him on CSI, owned a record label, been interviewed by Bob Edwards on NPR’s Morning Edition and made motorcycles for Merle Haggard and John Paul DeJoria. He has three awesome kids and spends his days working as a lawyer fighting the big banks.
Alexandrea Weis
ALEXANDREA WEISAlexandrea Weis, RN-CS, PhD, is an award-winning author, screenwriter, advanced practice registered nurse, and historian who was born and raised in the French Quarter of New Orleans. She has taught at major universities and worked as a nurse dealing with victims of sexual assault, abuse, and mental illness in a clinical setting at New Orleans area hospitals.Having grown up …