False ProphetDark Country, Book 2By Monique Snyman> In Cullinan, South Africa, the corpse of a young man is found on a diamond mine, surrounded by strange symbols and weird paraphernalia. The media claims the murder to be a cult ritual gone wrong. The authorities seem to agree. But Esmé Snyder—South Africa’s occult crime expert—is not entirely convinced. Following a macabre trail …
Dark Country
Dark CountryA Dark Country Novel, Book 1By Monique Snyman Order fromDistributorOrder Printfrom RetailersOrder Ebookfrom Retailers“The unusual lead will hook readers and the contemporary South Africa setting is enriched by the author’s personal experience. Snyman alternates perspectives between her capable lead and a sadistic killer … readers will be excited to see where the series goes.” ~Publishers Weekly“Anyone liking a tense mystery …
Dark Country Excerpt
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Black Mariah
Black MariahSeason 1Presented By Marie D. Jones In the vein of V FOR VENDETTA meets THE STAND, a ripped-from-the-headlines thriller told in episodic form about a series of global attacks that spawn a worldwide underground revolution of citizens who band together to stop the coming New World Order. Created by featured contributor to the History Channel’s Nostradamus Effect and Ancient …
Dead of Winter
Dead of Winter Eight chilling tales to read under the Cold Moon.Winner, 2021 International Book Awards, Anthologies Award-Winning Finalist, 2020 Chanticleer Reviews Shorts A tinker’s son acquires a cursed soul. A dying woman is haunted by her own reflection. An uninvited presence haunts a Christmas seance. A festive holiday turns macabre. Despite the twinkling lights and steaming cocoa, the end …
2021 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition Quarterfinalists
2021 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition QuarterfinalistsVesuvian Titles reached the quarterfinals in the following categories:Horror — Dark Country, Sisters of the MoonAdventure — 7th Grade RevolutionHere is the complete list of Quarterfinalists: “Just Another Girl on the Road” S. Kensington 7th Grade Revolution Liana Gardner 80 Years Till Death: Sex, Drugs, and Osteoporosis JP LeRoux A Blind Eye Alan Larson A …
Announcing the Results of the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards
Announcing the Results of the2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards HORRORGOLD: The Meadows, by London Clarke (Carfax Abbey Publishing) SILVER: The Night Weaver, by Monique Snyman (Vesuvian Books)BRONZE (tie): The Experiments, by Bill Thompson (Ascendente Books)The Armageddon Chord, by Jeremy Wagner (Riverdale Avenue Books)MILITARY/WARTIME FICTIONGOLD: Royal Beauty Bright, by Ryan Byrnes (Amphorae Publishing Group)SILVER (tie): Life During Wartime, by Katie Rogin (Mastodon …
Foreword Reviews Announces Finalists For 2019 Indies Book Of The Year Awards
FOREWORD REVIEWS ANNOUNCES FINALISTS FOR2019 INDIES BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDS Link to the list of Young Adult Finalists: Foreword Indies — 2019 FinalistsFOREWORD REVIEWS ANNOUNCES FINALISTS FOR2019 INDIES BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDS Link to the list of Young Adult Finalists: Foreword Indies — 2019 Finalists
Quarterfinalists in the 2019 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition
Quarterfinalists in the 2019 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition
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